
Call (214) 891-3289 to get a price on a dumpster.

Dumpster prices depend on the weight of your material, distance and individual city taxes. Call now for a quote!

Our Dumpster Sizes

We have four dumpster sizes to choose from. Call for Pricing (214) 891-3289


6 Yard
Approximately 6 feet long, 6 feet wide, 6 feet tall.
  • 7 Day Rental
  • Drop and Pickup
  • 8-5 Customer Service
  • 1 Ton Included


20 Yard
Approximately 18 feet long, 8 feet wide, 4 feet tall.
  • 14 Day Rental
  • Drop and Pickup
  • 8-5 Customer Service
  • 4 Tons Included


30 Yard
Approximately 20 feet long, 8 feet wide, 5 feet tall.
  • 14 Day Rental
  • Drop and Pickup
  • 8-5 Customer Service
  • 5 Tons Included

The Pro

40 Yard
Approximately 20 feet long, 8 feet wide, 6 feet tall.
  • 14 Day Rental
  • Drop and Pickup
  • 8-5 Customer Service
  • 6 Tons Included

Dumpster Sizes

We have three dumpster sizes to choose from.


Yard Dumpster


Yard Dumpster


Yard Dumpster


Yard Dumpster

Why Choose Us?

6 Reasons Why To Order Dumpsters From Us


We have a large fleet of drivers ready to deliver roll-off dumpsters. We can usually accomodate fast service if you call before 2pm.


Never wait on hold, always talk to a real person, we call you to check-in on your dumpster and notify you of any changes by email immediately.


We've delivered thousands of roll-off dumpsters in the Dallas area. From hard to reach areas like the outlying areas or crowded areas like Downtown, we've done it all.


We never sell your information, and card information is stored on our Level 1 PCI-Compliant storage provider. No one at our Company has access to your credit card data.


We do what we say. You will never wondering when or if your driver will show up. If you have any issues there is someone a phone call away.


Roll-Off dumpster prices vary based on the weight of the material you are throwing away, individual city taxes and distance from the landfill. Call (214) 891-3289 for a quote in 30 seconds.


We Make Our Customers Happy

Simple and Efficient

Simple and efficient. Easy call, quick delivery, exactly as ordered, pickup on time as requested. Salesperson Anthony was funny and helpful. It may only be a dumpster company, but if it was the cable or internet service, this would an epiphany of good service!

Todd H, Dallas

Customer Service is Outstanding

I have used their services multiple times now for dumpsters at my boss's various properties. The customer service is outstanding and we've never had any problems. Friendly delivery and easy swap-outs.

Christina T, Garland

Great Experience

We had a great experience renting a dumpster through these guys. I spoke to two different receptionists who were both very polite and helpful. Their fees are very clear (and more reasonable than I was anticipating).

Coutrney M, Lancaster

Our Services

We can help with all types of projects

Clean Outs

Spring cleaning, move outs, garage cleanouts or any small project you have we have small dumpsters to service your needs.

Film Locations and Events

We specialize in location work and events for catering and production trash. We can bring as many dumpsters as you want for your next project


From small remodels to large infrastructure projects, we have large roll off dumpsters and ample drivers to deliver dumpsters for any size project.

Ready to Talk?

Call Us At (214) 891-3289

We'd Love to Hear From You.

How It Works

What you can expect when you order from us

  • Call to Order a Dumpster

    Call our customer service at (214) 891-3289. We will provide pricing to you based on the type of debris you are throwing away.

  • We Deliver a Dumpster to your Address

    Included in your price is delivery and pickup. We usually schedule next day service, and can provide morning and afternoon requests. We recommend to give us 24 hours notice for the order to get a narrow window of your delivery time.

  • 14 Days to Fill It *

    Keep the dumpster up to 14 days included in the price, but you can keep the roll-off dumpster longer at an additional charge. We will call you to confirm the removal the day before your rental period ends. [*] Excluding 6 yard dumpsters

  • We Pickup your Dumpster and Take it to the Landfill

    When you are finished with the roll-off dumpster, we will remove the dumpster from your location (again included in your price) and take it to the landfill or rock quarry. All the pricing you received over the phone will have an estimated weight amount paid for at the landfill for you. The landfill charges by the ton. If you have heavy material there could be additional charges.

Do you like how it works?

Call us for pricing at (214) 891-3289

We're waiting for your call.

Responsible Disposal

Some Things You Should Know About Your Trash

A Little On Our Green Initiatives

We try to divert as much debris from the landfill as possible. Construction debris can have diversion rates as high as 80%. If you need to have your project LEED Certified, or need diversion reports for your project, please let us know before we start so we can adequetly record your project. Some of our services provide 100% diversion, like our 10 yard lowboys for concrete, dirt, rock, brick and stone. Also ask us about green waste only containers. Not only can you save money, but you can also save needed space in our landfills.

Keep In Touch With Us

We Would Love to Know About Your Projects

Our Service Areas

We service most areas in Dallas Metro, see if we can service your city

Available Cities
City Name Availability City Name Availability
Dallas Same / Next Day Addison Next Day
Carrollton Next Day Combine Next Day
Desoto Next Day Farmers Branch Next Day
Glenn Heights Next Day Highland Park Next Day
Irving Next Day Lancaster Next Day
Richardson Next Day Sasche Next Day
Garland Next Day University Park Next Day
Grand Prairie Next Day Not here? Call!
Unavailable Areas
City Reason City Reason
Fort Worth Too far Mesquite Franchised
Plano Franchised McKinney Too far
Frisco Too far Hurst Too far
Arlington Franchised Not here? Call!

Contact Us

Call Us At (214) 891-3289 Or Email Us Below